Seated Row Can Reduce Pain

Seated Row Can Reduce Pain

Do you suffer from shoulder, neck or back pain? Many people put constant pressure on the muscles in these areas due to poor posture, particularly from long periods at a desk or using mobile devices. Seated Row is an exercise that can help. Seated Row Can Reduce Pain...
Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches

There are numerous differing types of headaches and google will provide a long list of types, causes and symptoms. Tension Headache or head pain can at times be difficult to describe, but some common symptoms include throbbing, tightening, unrelenting or intermittent...
Nutritional Strategies

Nutritional Strategies

One of the most effective ways to accelerate muscle recovery is by implementing simple nutritional strategies into your diet. Nutritional Strategies – Are your fitness goals and training program really complete without adequate nutrients in your diet? The most...
Exercise & Sleep Disorders

Exercise & Sleep Disorders

Do you have trouble sleeping? If yes, you are not alone. A consumer reports survey of over 4,000 people found that 68% of people have trouble sleeping at least once per week. So can the use of regular exercise help improve sleep quality or sleep disorders? Exercise...
Sleep & Performance

Sleep & Performance

Have you ever wondered if the quality of your sleep impacts you? Research has shown a relationship between sleep & performance in exercise, which can have positive effects on individuals’ quality of sleep. So, what role does sleep play in improving athletic...
Is Sleeping A Pain?

Is Sleeping A Pain?

When you have been battling with an injury all day long, the last thing you need is for it to keep you up at night too. Sleep plays an important role in injury rehabilitation but unfortunately is often overlooked. Is Sleeping A Pain? Sleep is vital for your body’s...
Clinic Closure Christmas 2024

Clinic Closure Christmas 2024

Dear clients, after another busy year our team is taking a well-earned break so we will be back refreshed & ready to help you all in 2025. We want to let you know that our clinic is closed from Monday 23rd December 2024 & reopens on Monday 6th January 2025 We...
Christmas Berry Trifle

Christmas Berry Trifle

Most Australians can relate to having to loosen their belt buckle the New Year arrives. On average Australians gain 0.8 – 3 kg over the Christmas period. We’ve got you covered this festive season with our lighter version of a Christmas berry Trifle....
Use It or Lose It Health Funds

Use It or Lose It Health Funds

Each year we want to remind our clients your health insurance limits expire on 31 December. Private health insurance is expensive and often people don’t utilise their extras cover to automatically claim back costs like physio or Exercise Physiology. Utilise your...

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