With winter sports such as soccer, netball, AFL, rugby & league seasons having commenced, our team came together & discussed the top 5 tips to keep you performing at your best this season & help you stay injury free. Here’s what they found!

1. Warm Up!

Warming up increases your blood flow through out your body which decrease your chance of injury and increases muscle efficiency. – cold muscles, tendons and ligaments are more prone to injury!

2. Stay Hydrated!

Even though it’s cool outside and you may not need to drink as much water as in summer it is important to hydrate your self prior and during the game to ensure you do not become dehydrated

3. Sun Safety!

The temperate outside does not affect the UV rays! Even on those cloudy days it is important to slip, slop slap.

4. Breathable clothing!

Avoid base layers that are not breathable and therefore become damp from sweat! This could lower your body temperate making you unwell.

5. Cool Down!

Remember to cool down to help eliminate exercise biproducts such as lactic acid and reduce potential muscle soreness.

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