Desk job causing pain

Desk job causing pain

Staying in one position for more than four hours daily can contribute to lower back pain, musculoskeletal disorders, stress, obesity, neck and shoulder pain. Through COVID, we saw a much higher frequency of postural issues arising from people being seated whilst...
Importance of Physical Activity As We Age

Importance of Physical Activity As We Age

Common conditions affecting muscles and the skeleton, or the musculoskeletal system, in senior age include: osteoarthritis, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness and pain. Fatigue, weakness and reduced tolerance to exercise can be caused...
Nutrition As We Age

Nutrition As We Age

As our body ages, how we process food & our nutritional requirements change. This means the older we get it is becomes increasingly important to ensure your diet includes healthy foods & with the right nutrients. Nutrition As We...
Calf Injury & Hamstring Strains

Calf Injury & Hamstring Strains

With winter sports like soccer/football, netball, AFL, rugby, etc in season, hamstring injuries are common. Hamstring injuries are common at all levels of sport, however recurrence rates are disproportionate compared to other soft tissue injuries. This might not be a...