Understanding Osteoporosis

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common condition among the older population that weakens bones. It is one of the risk factors for minimal trauma fracture, which can significantly impact one’s independence, mobility and quality of life. Osteoporosis is a silent disease — meaning it...
Resistant Band Workout

Resistant Band Workout

There’s no denying that resistance bands are useful for many different types of workouts. They are portable, versatile and when used properly an effective training technique. Our team created a simple full-body workout with the use of just one resistance band. Banded...
Nordic Hamstring Curl

Nordic Hamstring Curl

Do you want to reduce risk of hamstring injuries? A study published in the British Journal of Sports, found including Nordic Hamstring Curl in a 13-week strength & conditioning program could decrease hamstring injury frequency by approximately 30%. Nordic...