Exercise For Stronger Bones

Exercise For Stronger Bones

Bone health is a key issue throughout our lives – from traumatic fractures to stress fractures in athletes right through to osteopenia and osteoporosis in older people. But how can we maintain strong healthy bones to reduce all these negative things? The answer is...
Physio for an Ageing Population

Physio for an Ageing Population

With increasing life expectancy, Australia is one of many developed countries with an ageing population. With more of us living longer, physiotherapy is important for keeping your body moving and strong for quality of life. We identify 6 physio benefits for older...
Understanding Osteoporosis

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common condition among the older population that weakens bones. It is one of the risk factors for minimal trauma fracture, which can significantly impact one’s independence, mobility and quality of life. Osteoporosis is a silent disease — meaning it...
Mid-season Fatigue & Injuries

Mid-season Fatigue & Injuries

Are you mid-way through your sports season & feeling increasingly more fatigued? Are you finding it is taking longer to recover after a gym session? Are you noticing aches and pains you don’t normally feel? These are probably signs your body needs help. It’s...
Resistant Band Workout

Resistant Band Workout

There’s no denying that resistance bands are useful for many different types of workouts. They are portable, versatile and when used properly an effective training technique. Our team created a simple full-body workout with the use of just one resistance band. Banded...
Tech Neck Pain

Tech Neck Pain

“Tech Neck” refers to persistent discomfort, tenderness, or rigidity in the neck and shoulder area, often resulting from improper posture during the use of technological devices like smartphones and computers. The habit of angling one’s head downward to view screens...
Shoulder Pain – Physio vs Injections

Shoulder Pain – Physio vs Injections

Shoulder pain is a very common musculoskeletal condition that many people suffer from. Depending on the specific diagnosis, corticosteroid Injections are a commonly recommended solution or short-term “fix”. For many people, the prospect however of having...

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