Text Neck

Text Neck

A recent 2021 study found that the average Australian spends on average 5.5 hours a day staring at their phone. This month we discussed and reviewed the affect this has on the neck and have provided some helpful advice. Device Use Causing Neck Pain – When the...
Physiotherapy for Older Adults

Physiotherapy for Older Adults

With increasing life expectancy, Australia is one of many developed countries with an aging population. With more of us living longer, physiotherapy is important for keeping your body moving and strong for quality of life. Physiotherapy for Older Adults – As we…...
7 Tips to Live Longer & Healthier

7 Tips to Live Longer & Healthier

The lockdown has no doubt played a huge toll in our lives and it’s been a challenge in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Living longer is apparently pretty damn easy by just following these definitive, scientific, time-tested methods. 7 Tips to Live...
Headaches and Jaw Pains

Headaches and Jaw Pains

Do you grind your teeth or clench your jaw?  Do you often get aches and clicking at your jaw or struggle to fully open your mouth? Physiotherapy can provide relief! Physio can help with Headaches and Jaw pain! If headaches, grinding teeth and jaw clicking and...
Common Working At Home Injuries

Common Working At Home Injuries

Due to the extension of the lockdown most individuals will be working from home for a longer period of time. It is important that individuals are aware of common injuries that may occur when safe work practices are not implemented. Over 60% of the Australian’s...