by PROHEALTH | Aug 5, 2020 | Health
Appropriate nutrition is so important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reducing your risk of chronic disease and improving your physical and mental health. Healthy eating is widely debated and can get over complicated however we have broken it down to provide a...
by PROHEALTH | Jul 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Winter pleasures don’t get much simpler than a nice blow of hot Irish stew. Cheap, easy & warming, they’re the culinary equivalent of a big woolly scarf. So with winter in full swing, why not get some hot healthy Irish Stew in your belly 🙂 Irish Stew –...
by PROHEALTH | Jul 17, 2020 | Events, Physio
August is Tradies National Health Month, in which we raise awareness and create tools to allow tradies to manage their health and well-being. This year, without exception, we would like to prioritise tradies’ health. What injuries are tradies more susceptible to? How...
by PROHEALTH | Jul 7, 2020 | Exercise Physiology, Fitness, Health, Mental Health
Exercise & anxiety have some things in common, they both increase your heart rate, breathing & make you sweat! Unlike exercise, however anxiety can have serious adverse effects & are a common cause of morbidity & mortality. Anxiety & Exercise...
by PROHEALTH | Jul 3, 2020 | Exercise Physiology, Fitness
Cerebral Palsy is a neuromuscular disorder which is a result of a trauma to the developing brain which can result in deficits in muscle strength, walking quality, coordination, balance and reduced cardiorespiratory fitness. Can exercise improve these deficits? While...