by Marc Ring | Nov 26, 2019 | Physio
More musculoskeletal injuries occur during the Christmas period as people tend to push their bodies harder, for example, ankle sprain at a Christmas party or sustaining lower back pain after long distance driving. Avoiding Common Christmas Injuries – It’s...
by Marc Ring | Nov 11, 2019 | Did You Know, Health
On average Australian’s gain 0.8 – 1.5kg over the Christmas holidays & this weight can be difficult to lose. Instead of asking Santa for a larger belt for this year’s Christmas pressie, try and adapt some helpful tips into your holiday season....
by Marc Ring | Oct 8, 2019 | Health, Physio
Muscle cramping can be caused by either muscle fatigue or low mineral levels. Magnesium is often used to help. Magnesium To Reduce Cramps – Cramps can be a common problem for many people and we hope the following assists you. If pain persists, please contact us...
by Marc Ring | Oct 1, 2019 | Special Offers
PROHEALTH is proudly supporting Australian National Safe Work month in October with a special offer of $10 Off a physio or EP consultation for any employee when they mention this offer. PROHEALTH Proudly Supporitng Safe Work Month – We believe physios & Accredited...
by Marc Ring | Sep 1, 2019 | Special Offers
Our PROHEALTH PHYSIO team take pride in helping people. Our phyios make time to source information, write articles, provide insights and tips to help you to stay fit and healthy. So we want to connect on social media and as way of thanks, we will offer you 50% of your...