Studies have shown stronger calves can help reduce shin splints. Calf raises are a quick and simple exercise that can help strength your calves.
Running involves repetitive foot impact with the ground and can cause the leg muscles to tense. At times this force challenges the strength of the tibia structure and highlighting the importance of stronger calves.
A line of thought exists that the stronger your calf muscles are the less susceptible your shins are to experiencing shin splints. A 2007 study investigated 2 groups of runners; those with and those without shin splints. The study found individuals without shin splints could complete more consecutive single leg calf raises (33 calf raises on average) then the group with shin splints (23 calf raises on average).
This exercise works exceptionally well when in conjunction with physiotherapy in-house treatments.
For more information on how we can treat your shin splints, contact the PROHEALTH team.
Reference: Madeley, L. T., Munteanu, S. E. & Bonanno, D. R. (2007). Endurance of the ankle joint plantar flexor muscles in athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome: a case-control study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10, 356-362.