There’s no denying that resistance bands are useful for many different types of workouts. They are portable, versatile and when used properly an effective training technique. Our team created a simple full-body workout with the use of just one resistance band.

Banded Squat + Press

Begin the movement by stepping into the resistance band with your feet at shoulder-width and hands close to your shoulders with palms facing out.

Bend through the knees and at the hips to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

When you reach the top, push the resistance bands overhead. Slowly lower your hands and repeat the entire movement.

Banded Rows

  • Wrap the band around a pole and stand with a tall posture, feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly in front.
  • Using the muscles between your shoulder blades, pull you shoulder blades back and down. At the same time, perform a rowing motion keeping your elbows close to your body
  • Return to the start position in a slow and controlled fashion

Band Pull-aparts

  • Standing tall with arms out in front and holding the band
  • Squeeze shoulder blades back and down whilst simultaneously pulling apart the band to make the letter ‘T’ shape.
  • Squeeze through the abdomen to prevent your lower back from arching

Chest Flys

  • Wrap the band around a pole at chest level and face away from the pole.
  • Stand with one foot in front of the other with arms out to the side and pull band in front of your chest with palms facing each other. Slowly return to start position

Chest Press

  • Place the resistance band around both shoulder blades and hold both handles, whilst lying on your back with knees bent. 
  • with your upper arms in contact with the floor. Extend both arms up to the roof until they’re straight.
  • Lower your arms back slowly to the starting position and repeat.

Tricep Kickback  

  • Anchor the band at waist height
  • Stand with one foot in front of the other, with bent knees and your hip hinged so that you’re in a bent over position with a straight back. Right arm, let the band come straight towards that side, so your legs and body will be just left to the anchor point.
  • Holding the band with your right arm at 90˚, straighten at the elbow so your forearm goes in line with your torso

Bicep Curls

  • Begin the movement by stepping into the resistance band with your feet at shoulder-width and hands beside your hips holding onto the band.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down, then begin bending your elbows and lifting the band to your shoulders.

Pallof Press

  • Anchor the resistance band to a pole at stomach height.
  • Stand side on to the resistance band and hold the band firmly in both hands.
  • Press the resistance band away from your stomach, fully extending your arms in front of you.

Hold the resistance band at full extension for two seconds, and slowly return to the start position.


Title: Resistant Band Exercises

Read Time: 5 Minutes

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