Daniel is the newest PROHEALTH PHYSIO team member. After competing at high levels for athletics, cricket & soccer, Daniel leverages his experience to deliver sustainable results. To get to know Daniel the person, the physio & his interests.
Meet Daniel – Being an athlete himself, Daniel has always been in and out of physiotherapy clinics with sport related injuries. This, in conjunction with his mother’s diagnosis of severe scoliosis, inspired him to become a physiotherapist. Daniel completed his Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Australian Catholic University (ACU) and has exposure treating a variety of injuries.
Daniel is also passionate about health and fitness. He is a qualified personal trainer and has a wealth of knowledge around creating comprehensive exercise programs for clients to achieve their fitness goals.
Get to know Daniel:
- Favourite song? Flume – Helix or Gang or Youths – Magnolia
- Favourite movie? Guardians of the Galaxy
- Favourite Restaurant? Crinitis
- Favourite Holiday destination? San Sebastion – Spain
- Name 3 people famous people you would invite to dinner & why? Chris Pratt, Margot Robbie, Ricky Gervais – They’re all funny, talented actors that would provide great dinner table banter.
Contact us and talk with Daniel to understand how he can help you achieve your health goals.