Since the earliest information from the health and medicine, it is believed that early diagnosis and treatment improves both short and long term injury recovery. Treatment prognosis of injury and treatment duration can also be improved. This has since been demonstrated and proved within highly regarded research papers, therefore progressing into a more systematic and effective approach for recovery.
The question we are asked is often “If I came to see a physio, would I still require the same amount of treatment?”
The quick answer is no.
An article in 2012 investigated early intervention for adolescents with knee pain (patellofemoral pain syndrome). The results showed that education of early intervention for patients with knee pain is the optimal pathway for improving individual prognosis of an injury.
So call PROHEALTH PHYSIO and get in early to avoid further problems.
For further information, please refer to Early intervention for adolescents with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome – a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial