With new year feeling like a hazy distant memory, 2023 is well and truly underway, with new year resolutions like the persistent sting of a recent sunburn, people are hitting the gyms, hitting the streets in joggers & watching their diets. Motivation for some quickly fades.

As physio’s, we are dedicated movement specialists & love to hear motivated individuals getting active & seeking to improve their health.

Unfortunately, for many, this motivation does not really last for much longer than a few weeks or months. Therefore, developing an exercise routine into your daily/weekly schedule is the best way to go about consistent training for long term improvement.

An important note to remember is the body does not respond as quick to training or diet as many programs or companies may advertise. Rather, it is the opposite, whereby consistency in training & eating that align with your goals reaps the greatest rewards.

Often with short term motivation following New Years day, people endure prolonged exercise with difficult & unaccustomed intensities resulting in injury or burnout. It is important to ease your way back into an exercise program if it has been a while since your last proper session.

Our 5 Tips for success

  1. Be realistic with your goals
  2. Write it down to help make it happen
  3. Progress not perfection – things take time
  4. Exercise with a friend to be accountable
  5. Healthy diet + exercise = results 🙂

Our physio’s at PROHEALTH are able to professionally format a program & integrate your injury management within it.

Contact PROHEALTH PHYSIO on 02) 8317 7770 for more information.

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