Shoulder Pain – Physio vs Injections

Shoulder Pain – Physio vs Injections

Shoulder pain is a very common musculoskeletal condition that many people suffer from. Depending on the specific diagnosis, corticosteroid Injections are a commonly recommended solution or short-term “fix”. For many people, the prospect however of having...
Scoliosis – Curvature of the Spine

Scoliosis – Curvature of the Spine

Did you know curvature of the spine is called Scoliosis?  Scoliosis is a condition of the spinal skeleton, visibly identified by a ‘S’ or ‘C’ shaped deformity of the spine. Idiopathic Scoliosis, is the most common form & adolescents are generally affected....
Muscle Injuries & Strains

Muscle Injuries & Strains

Muscle Injuries & Strains are common & understanding the type of strain you have can be as easy as 1, 2, 3! Muscle strains occur when muscle fibres are overloaded, causing rupture. The strain severity is classified into 3 grades (Grade 1 – Mild, Grade 2...
Hamstring Injury Prevention

Hamstring Injury Prevention

Hamstring strains are common sport & fitness related injury. Many of these injuries are caused by the quadricep muscle forcibly overstretching the hamstring, often the result of high speed running, the risk of hamstring injuries can be minimised. Read more to...
Sleep & Performance

Sleep & Performance

Have you ever wondered if the quality of your sleep impacts you? Research has shown that exercise can have positive affects on individual’s quality of sleep, however what role does sleep play in improving athletic performance? Sleep & Performance – Poor...