News, Articles & Insights

At PROHEALTH PHYSIO & FITNESS our team strive to provide our current & new clients with topical physio & exercise physiology related articles, insights & tips to help you live life better.


Our Recent Posts

Renewed Health Insurance Limits

Renewed Health Insurance Limits

After getting back to work, kids to school, etc it is easy to forget we are already well into 2020. At the start of the year, your health insurance often provides larger incentives (i.e. higher rebates or refunds) for members using services like physio or EP. Renewed...

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Nutrition Tips To Reduce DOMS

Nutrition Tips To Reduce DOMS

Nutrition can play an important role in assisting recovery from the effects of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). We cover nutrition tips to help reduce DOMS effects. Nutrition Tips To Reduce DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is characterised by muscle...

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Tennis Injuries

Tennis Injuries

With the Australian Tennis Open starting tomorrow, many people will have a taste for tennis and will head to their local tennis courts to join emulate their favourite player. In the latest surveys from Ausplay, over 900,000 Australians played tennisand tennis is...

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Trigger Points & Muscle Spasms

Trigger Points & Muscle Spasms

Have you ever felt a muscle that self-twitches? Have you ever pressed on a sore muscle spot and felt a significant amount of pain? People can often become confused the difference between a muscle spasm and trigger point. Keep reading to obtain a better understanding....

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Avoiding Common Christmas Injuries

Avoiding Common Christmas Injuries

More musculoskeletal injuries occur during the Christmas period as people tend to push their bodies harder, for example, ankle sprain at a Christmas party or sustaining lower back pain after long distance driving. Avoiding Common Christmas Injuries - It’s important to...

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Christmas Weight Loss Tips

Christmas Weight Loss Tips

On average Australian’s gain 0.8 - 1.5kg over the Christmas holidays & this weight can be difficult to lose. Instead of asking Santa for a larger belt for this year's Christmas pressie, try and adapt some helpful tips into your holiday season. Christmas Weight...

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Men’s Health & Exercise

Men’s Health & Exercise

Australia has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, however the life expectancy rates of men in Australia is much lower when compared to Australian women. Males have a higher death rate in every age group compared to women except for over 65 because...

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Magnesium To Reduce Cramps

Magnesium To Reduce Cramps

Muscle cramping can be caused by either muscle fatigue or low mineral levels. Magnesium is often used to help. Magnesium To Reduce Cramps - Cramps can be a common problem for many people and we hope the following assists you. If pain persists, please contact us to...

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