News, Articles & Insights
At PROHEALTH PHYSIO & FITNESS our team strive to provide our current & new clients with topical physio & exercise physiology related articles, insights & tips to help you live life better.
Our Recent Posts
Anxiety & Exercise
Exercise & anxiety have some things in common, they both increase your heart rate, breathing & make you sweat! Unlike exercise, however anxiety can have serious adverse effects & are a common cause of morbidity & mortality. Anxiety & Exercise -...
Exercise and Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a neuromuscular disorder which is a result of a trauma to the developing brain which can result in deficits in muscle strength, walking quality, coordination, balance and reduced cardiorespiratory fitness. Can exercise improve these deficits? While...
Christmas Dinner in July
Unlike Australia, countries in the northern hemisphere enjoy a cold and snowy Christmas. One of the common dishes that people cook for white Christmas is roast turkey, which is perfect for the cold weather in Australia now. How can we enjoy a tasty turkey while trying...
Exercise & Pain
The usual advice you get when you are in pain is to slow down, rest and wait for the pain to go away but did you know that this could actually be causing more harm than good? Exercise is a healthy and natural way to address pain. Exercise & Pain Here are some...
Exercise to Decrease Stress
We all know that exercise is good for our physical health as it increases our muscle mass, improves our cardiovascular fitness, strengthen our bones and on and on. However, it has always been forgotten that exercise also has massive impacts on our psychological...
Running Guide for Newbies
Due to COVID-19, many of us cannot go to gyms or exercise classes. People started looking into other exercise options & the popular choice appears to be to go running. Irrespective of if you are an experienced runner or a newbie, our physios explore how to run...
Exercise Right Week!
This week is Exercise Right Week & the theme this year is ‘Movement is Medicine’. Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) want to highlight the significant benefits of exercise, physical activity & movement for your physical & mental health...
Work-related Injuries
Work-related injuries are often called workplace ergonomic injuries & are caused by a variety of factors. Physio & EP are commonly used successful to treat many work injuries & an injured worker can get 8 free pre-approved physio treatments. What's better...
Staying Fit & Healthy at Home
We understand that the world is nervous about the potential impact of COVID-19 and have been encouraged to stay home. At PROHEALTH we believe that it is more important than ever to make sure you are meeting the minimum physical activity requirements to support your...
Seated Row Can Reduce Pain
Do you suffer from shoulder, neck or back pain? Many people put constant pressure on the muscles in these areas due to poor posture, particularly from long periods at a desk or using mobile devices. Seated Row is an exercise that can help. Seated Row Can Reduce Pain -...
Tension Headaches
There are numerous differing types of headaches and google will provide a long list of types, causes and symptoms. Tension Headache or head pain can at times be difficult to describe, but some common symptoms include throbbing, tightening, unrelenting or intermittent...
Early Physio Intervention
Since the earliest information from the health and medicine, it is believed that early diagnosis and treatment improves both short and long term injury recovery. Treatment prognosis of injury and treatment duration can also be improved. This has since been...