December marks the beginning of summer and national skin cancer awareness month. Hunter Melanoma Foundation have launched their campaign ‘check mate’ to help raise awareness of the dangers of sun exposure and how you and your mates can look out for one another, by looking out for the major signs of melanoma.
More than 2000 people in Australia die from skin cancer each year, and Cancer Council estimates that Australia spends more than $1 billion per year treating skin cancer, with costs increasing substantially over the past few years.
Often melanoma has no symptoms, however, the first sign is generally a change in an existing mole or the appearance of a new spot. These changes can include:
- colour – a mole may change colour, have different colour shades, or become blotchy
- size – a mole may seem to get bigger
- shape – a mole may have an irregular border
- elevation – the mole may develop a raised area
- itching or bleeding
New moles and freckles can appear and change during childhood, adolescence and during pregnancy. This is normal, however adults who develop new spots or moles should have them examined by their doctor.
What can we do to prevent skin cancer?
The Cancer Council urge all Australians to remember the five ‘S’s’:
- Slip on sun-protective clothing
- Slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
- Slap on a broad-brimmed hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses
Lastly…don’t forget to stay sun safe and if you’re concerned about any changes in any moles you may have, don’t be afraid to ask your physio during your next appointment for some advice.
Source: Cancer Council
Title: Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide
Read Time: 2 Minutes
Source: Hunter Melanoma Foundation
Title: Check Mate
Read Time: 2 minutes