National Pain Week

National Pain Week

Pain is a complicated and unpleasant experience attached with a bad stigma and many misconceptions. July 22-26 marks National Pain Week which aims to increase awareness regarding this complicated process and the impact that it has on individuals and their families....
Is Camping a Pain?

Is Camping a Pain?

With Easter rapidly approaching, it is time for many people to get their camping gear ready for your next escape. The Easter long weekend is very popular for camping, enjoying nature & the basics of life. Aches & stiffness can quickly be a dampener more so...
Is Sleeping A Pain?

Is Sleeping A Pain?

When you have been battling with an injury all day long, the last thing you need is for it to keep you up at night too. Sleep plays an important role in injury rehabilitation but unfortunately is often overlooked. Is Sleeping A Pain? Sleep is vital for your body’s...
Preventing Ankle Sprains

Preventing Ankle Sprains

Many of us have had an ankle sprain in sport or general life & unfortunately ankle sprains can often be recurring. Thankfully there are ways to prevent ankle sprains from reoccuring including exercise based proprioception training. Prevent Ankle Sprains –...
Whiplash & Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)

Whiplash & Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)

Neck whiplash is the term given to an acceleration/deceleration injury of the neck that typically occurs during motor vehicle accidents or contact sports. A multi-modal physiotherapy approach has shown to be effective in reducing symptoms associated with WAD. Whiplash...