Running Mistakes to Avoid

Running Mistakes to Avoid

Setting running goals and achieving them can be an extremely rewarding experience. Sometimes unrealistic expectations, injuries or pain can create a physiological and psychological hurdle in achieving these goals. To aid your running experience, here are some tips and...
Weight loss to prevent surgery

Weight loss to prevent surgery

It may come to you as no surprise that losing excessive weight has multiple positive health benefits. These include things like reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease and stroke improving sleep and breathing etc. But did you...
Calf Injury & Hamstring Strains

Calf Injury & Hamstring Strains

With winter sports like soccer/football, netball, AFL, rugby, etc in season, hamstring injuries are common. Hamstring injuries are common at all levels of sport, however recurrence rates are disproportionate compared to other soft tissue injuries. This might not be a...
Headaches and Jaw Pains

Headaches and Jaw Pains

Do you grind your teeth or clench your jaw?  Do you often get aches and clicking at your jaw or struggle to fully open your mouth? Physiotherapy can provide relief! Physio can help with Headaches and Jaw pain! If headaches, grinding teeth and jaw clicking and...
Work-related Injuries

Work-related Injuries

Work-related injuries are often called workplace ergonomic injuries & are caused by a variety of factors. Physio & EP are commonly used successful to treat many work injuries & an injured worker can get 8 free pre-approved physio treatments. What’s...