SLAP lesion, also known as superior labrum anterior to posterior lesions, is a tear in the labrum of the shoulder. Labrum is a cartilage in the shoulder which is a primary attachment site of the shoulder ligament and biceps tendon. It helps to stabilise the shoulder and allows the biceps to work properly.
SLAP lesion normally occurs while playing sports that involve catching and throwing. Slap can also be caused by falling on the arm. People with SLAP lesion often experience pain in the shoulder when lifting and doing overhead movements. They also complained of reduced strength in the shoulder and reduced power in throwing. They might described the pain as dead arm sensation and deep ache. Locking, popping, clicking and grinding sensation might be present.
If you experience the symptoms above or know of someone who experience the same symptoms, please make sure that you reach out to medical professionals for advice. People with SLAP lesion sometimes require surgical procedure to promote healing. Physiotherapy is often effective in relieving symptoms, improving shoulder strength and function.
Source: University of Wisconsin
Title: Rehabilitation Guidelines for SLAP Lesion Repair
Read time: 10 Minutes