It’s fun to run with friends & family. With City2Surf & LC Fun Run approaching, it’s important to consider possible strains on younger runners.

As children have a shorter stride length, they have more repetitions of impact and greater repetitive strain on their muscles and bones than an adult would for the same distance. They also have a poorer efficiency for metabolic heat and are more susceptible to hypohydration/ hyponutriemia – which means they must be propted to drink water as they may not feel natural thirst when their bodies need it.

Athletics Canada presented a recommendation of maximum distance for different ages of children and adolescents. Keep in mind this is a recommendation only for consideration of growth and development and with respect to common road race distance:

Age: <10 Maximum Distance: 3 Km

Age: 10 Maximum Distance: 5 Km

Age: 11 Maximum Distance: 5 Km

Age: 12 Maximum Distance: 8 Km

Age: 13 Maximum Distance: 8 Km

Age: 14 Maximum Distance: 10 Km

Age: 15 Maximum Distance: 10 Km

Age: 16 Maximum Distance: 21.1 Km

Age: 17 Maximum Distance: 21.1 Km

Age: 18 Maximum Distance: 42.2 Km

For further support or advice, please contact our physios for specialist assistance.

Title: Guidelines for the inclusion of Children and Youth in Road Races

Source: Read time: 5 Minutes


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