Sports training is happening again as the winter sport season is coming up! After a few months of break, how can we return to our training efficiently and effectively, so that we are ready for the new season?
Muscles have the ability to adapt to different levels of functional demands. During periods of insufficient training stimulus, muscular detraining begins. It takes 2-3 weeks of rest to reduce muscle mass and the blood supply to the muscle and 3-8 weeks to reduce its aerobic capacity. Consequently, strength, power and endurance would decline after resting from high intensity training.
This means that when we start training again, our body is no longer like the body at the end of the last season. Therefore, there are some important steps for returning to intensive training.
- Start with a low volume of intensity of training to allow your body to adapt to the physical demands and avoid injury.
- Gradually increase the training volume and intensity as the body builds up its strength and endurance to cope with the sports demands
- Remember to maintain your nutritional requirements
- Never forget to warm up and cool down
Sometimes it could take weeks to return to the previous capacity. It is important to have a gradual return to sport program in order to maximise your performance and minimise the risk of injury.
Title: Muscular characteristics of detraining in humans; Returning to training after a layoff
Source: MUJIKA, I., & Padilla, S. (2001). Muscular characteristics of detraining in humans. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(8), 1297-1303.
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