Often, we carry around old injuries that may or may not influence how we go about our daily lives. We are resilient and adaptive individuals who sometimes have an attitude to “fix it later” or “deal with it”.

PHYSIO YOUR SUPERHERO – Unfortunately, the consequences of not treating a new or old injury, especially when starting an exercise program, can lead to an aggravation of that injury. This can result in time away from work, the gym & an inability to complete daily household chores – basically meaning you’ll actually end up behind where you started.

This is where a physio comes in. We are able to make sure that you overcome these injuries before you jump into your sport or training schedule.


  • Guide & promote active recovery from injury
  • Promote exercise based prescription as part of your injury treatment
  • Utilise an integrated physiotherapy response specific to your needs
  • Help get your body ready & fit specifically for your sport

If this sounds like something you need, or at least need a second opinion on, don’t hesitate to contact us on (02) 8317 7770

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