2023 is in full swing and some of the top resolutions people make for the New Year is to exercise more & eat healthier, we wanted to delve deeper into the healthy eating topic & brush up on our terminology – particularly the word ‘portion’.  So, what exactly is a portion (of food)?

In simple terms a portion is simply how much food we choose to eat at one time.

The appropriate portion size of any food varies from person to person.  This largely depends on some biological and lifestyle statistics such as: age, gender, activity level and weight goals (if you are trying to lose, maintain or gain weight).

To help you gauge an appropriate portion size for you, here are three tips:

  1. Refer to the food plate: this demonstrates a rough ratio of each food type. For a more detailed description of portion sizes for each food type see this article from British Dietetics Association
  2. Remember the more active you are, the more fuel you need! While this is not a (good) excuse to indulge in our favourite treats – you can fill your bowl or plate a little more with plenty of the good stuff – try adding more foods that slowly release energy to keep you energised for longer e.g., oats, nuts or seeds
  3. Don’t feel obligated to finish your meal – save any excess for later! Often, we can feel the need to clear our plate, even when our plates were too full to begin with, leaving us feeling stuffed and bloated afterwards instead of satiated and energised. Eat until you feel satisfied and if there are leftovers – well that just saves you having to prepare your next meal, save it and have it later to avoid overeating.

For further guidance on nutrition and diet – especially for supporting exercise or specific training, why not consult one of our highly trained and knowledgeable Exercise Physiologists for a one-on-one assessment? Contact our friendly team to find out more.


Source: Eat For Health – Australian Government

Title: What is a Serve?

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Source: The Association of UK Dietitians

Title: Portion Sizes: Food Fact Sheet

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Source: American Heart Association

Title: Portion Size Versus Serving Size

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Source: Patient Information

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Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease

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