Ever heard of Beta Alanine? It’s a sports supplement often included in “pre-workout” drinks that are used prior to gym workouts to improve exercise capacity and to keep you going. A new study has found that it may have significant effects on running performance as well.

Beta Alanine Useful for Runners – Most runners are keen to get an edge and imporve performance. At times such measures come at the risk of injury.

A small study found that in the tested runners who ingested beta alanine, their time to run 10km was significantly faster than those who did not. It also found that they had lower lactate levels in their blood following the running tests. This suggests having beta alanine before a 10km run (a common fun run distance), could improve your time in the run!

So if you are looking for an edge going into upcomign running events, consider beta alanine and for support or advice, please contact our physios for specialist assistance.

Title: Beta-Alanine Supplementation Improved 10-Km Running Time Trial In Physically Active Adults

Source: Frontiers in Physiology

Read time: 15 minutes

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