On behalf of Marc, Julie and the ProHealth Physio & Fitness team we would like to wish you a safe and happy Easter! However you wish to celebrate we hope you have a lovely long weekend with friends and family and of course a little bit of chocolate, keep reading to see our best tips to stay healthy this Easter!

1.  Start the day right

Chocolate for breakfast might be every child’s (and quite a lot of adults), dream, however it is a good idea to start the day off in a healthy way as there is likely to be plenty of time for chocolate later on.  Allow children one small egg, but try to sit down to a nutritious breakfast including fruit or vegetables, protein and whole grains to set everyone up for the day.  A nutritious breakfast doesn’t mean it can’t be a special one- try whole grain pancakes with low fat yogurt and fresh fruit or poached eggs on toast with spinach, tomato and mushrooms for a welcome break to the normal quick cereal or vegemite on toast.

It’s normal to consume a few extra calories around holiday time, especially when, for most people, the holiday now centres on the giving and receiving of chocolate eggs.  Counteract this extra energy intake by using the time of work to get active and burn some of it off.  Go for a family walk, play back yard cricket or take the time you wouldn’t normally have for a long run or cycle.

Bear in mind that to burn off a crème egg would take about 45 minutes of fast walking and a large hot cross bun about 30 minutes of jogging.  This may motivate you to move more and eat less!

2.  Get Moving

It’s normal to consume a few extra calories around holiday time, especially when, for most people, the holiday now centres on the giving and receiving of chocolate eggs.  Counteract this extra energy intake by using the time of work to get active and burn some of it off.  Go for a family walk, play back yard cricket or take the time you wouldn’t normally have for a long run or cycle.

Bear in mind that to burn off a crème egg would take about 45 minutes of fast walking and a large hot cross bun about 30 minutes of jogging.  This may motivate you to move more and eat less!

3.   Indulge a little and avoid over eating

There is no need to completely avoid chocolate and other less healthy foods over the Easter season.  Allow yourself a little of what you crave and enjoy it without guilt, as this is likely to reduce the chances of over eating later on.  People who constantly deny themselves any form of treat often find they cave in and then go on an all-out binge as they feel they have already ruined their diet, so why not eat as much as possible.


Source: Soulitude Health

Title: How to Stay Healthy and Avoid weight Gain this Easter

Read Time: 10 minutes

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