Work Hardening Program - STAYFIT@WORK
Work hardening is an important injury prevention strategy used by many businesses to help minimise workplace injuries, risks & to assist workers return to work post injury, illness or long term absence. A Work Hardening Program is a allied health designed program to help workers to able to safely perform the required functions of their role.
Why are Work Hardening Programs important? Contact our friendly team to understand how our STAYFIT@WORK can help your business minimise workplace injuries and help ensure a safe work environment for your staff.
Work Hardening Program STAYFIT@WORK
Understanding STAYFIT@WORK Program
At PROHEALTH PHYSIO & FITNESS, we understand the functional movement. Not only do we know how to help people recover from injuries we also specialise in helping prevent injuries within the workplace or in personal lives.
Work hardening is an important in the prevention of workplace injuries. When implemented effectively, work hardening programs can help minimise the risk of injury or help workers return to work following injury as well as early work-related soreness for workers who are new to a role.
What is a Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Program?
Work Hardening Programs are a specifically designed by allied health professionals (exercise physiologists, physiotherapist or occupational therapists) to prepare a worker for the physical demands of their role. Each program will vary given the nature of the role or the worker, yet will typically include a goal-oriented strength, conditioning & mobility exercise based program.
With the exercises gradually increasing the load & demands on soft tissues to meet the requirements of their tasks. A work hardening program should be constructed in collaboration with your onsite injury management provider.
Who should do a Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Program?
Work Hardening Program are useful for:
- New employees – irrespective of if the new employee is new to the industry or joining a business from a similar role, new employees will usually benefit from a Work Hardening Program specific to their role
- New Internal Role – workers who are starting a new role within the your business . Each role within your business will have its own specific task requirements, so workers are more likely to pull up sore after switching to a new role
- Workers returning work or non work-related injury or illness – the longer a worker has been off work the greater they become deconditioned to perform their specific role. Rehabilitation post-injury required diligence & care. An important component is a work hardening program that can help them return to their pre-injury/illness condition to enable them to safely perform their role
- Workers returning from extended leave – similar to returning from injury, absence from a role due to extended leave will result in role specific deconditioning. Again Work Hardening Program will help the worker return safely from extended leave
When should a worker start their Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Program?
Ideally a new worker should start a Work Hardening Program tailored specifically for their new role as soon as possible. The longer the lead time the greater benefit (& therefore lower risk of work related injury) the worker will gain. Workers returning from injury or illness (irrespective of if work or non-work related) should again commence a Work Hardening Program as soon a practically possible. Treating practitioners (GP, physiotherapists, EP, OT’s) can provide guidance if required.
Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Program Benefits?
There are many possible Work Hardening Program benefits. Some of the key benefits include:
- Reduced risk of injury or reinjury
- Improved worker productivity
- Enhanced worker morale
- Reduced sick/personal leave
- Lower workers compensation premiums
How Do I Implement Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Programs for my Business?
Our allied health professionals are experienced developing Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Programs to help businesses of all sizes across industries. Contact us to discuss tailoring Work Hardening STAYFIT@WORK Programs specifically for your business.
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