Dry needling is a term used to differentiate “non-injection” type needles from the practice of Injectables such as corticosteroids, saline, and local anesthetics. The dry needling term is used more commonly in western countries to signify the different physiological approach used versus the approach of acupuncture
Dry Needling has many “schools” of approach utilizing the needling of myofascial trigger points with the aim of deactivating and resolving the trigger points. The deactivation of the trigger points would then result in decreased pain levels, improved Range of motion and further resolution of symptoms.
Our physiotherapists, Lucas and Steven use two different approach’s when it comes to dry needling. Lucas’ approach is called Integrated Dry Needling which indirectly addresses the myofascial trigger points, this technique uses a lot more superficial needles and less vigorous techniques resulting in less load on the individual’s nervous system making it an excellent alternative for those that had a non or poor response to the other approaches. Steven’s approach is Trigger Point Dry Needling which is used to release tight muscles and myofascial trigger points. It is used to relieve pain relating to muscles, tendons and connective tissue which has its application in treating many acute or chronic musculoskeletal and sports-related injuries.
Please contact the clinic on (02) 8317 7770 if you would like to know more about dry needling or would like to book into see one of our physios today.