Tech Neck Pain

Tech Neck Pain

“Tech Neck” refers to persistent discomfort, tenderness, or rigidity in the neck and shoulder area, often resulting from improper posture during the use of technological devices like smartphones and computers. The habit of angling one’s head downward to view screens...
Scoliosis – Curvature of the Spine

Scoliosis – Curvature of the Spine

Did you know curvature of the spine is called Scoliosis?  Scoliosis is a condition of the spinal skeleton, visibly identified by a ‘S’ or ‘C’ shaped deformity of the spine. Idiopathic Scoliosis, is the most common form & adolescents are generally affected....
Hamstring Injury Prevention

Hamstring Injury Prevention

Hamstring strains are common sport & fitness related injury. Many of these injuries are caused by the quadricep muscle forcibly overstretching the hamstring, often the result of high speed running, the risk of hamstring injuries can be minimised. Read more to...
Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy

Do you want an effective way to self-treat & resolve pain? Take a minute to read this article for some helpful tips. Trigger Point Therapy – Quick Pain Relief Techniques using a Lacrosse Ball Hopefully you’ve already read our article on Trigger points...
Seated Row Can Reduce Pain

Seated Row Can Reduce Pain

Do you suffer from shoulder, neck or back pain? Many people put constant pressure on the muscles in these areas due to poor posture, particularly from long periods at a desk or using mobile devices. Seated Row is an exercise that can help. Seated Row Can Reduce Pain...